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Rachel Gibbs
Library Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. to 11:30

Students are allowed to check out two (2) books at a time. All books must be checked out before leaving the library. They are allowed to keep them up to two (2) weeks and can recheck them out if needed.  


The Star Section is designated for 6th graders only.​

Class Times

1st - 11:00 a.m. Mon & Wed

2nd - 9:00 a.m. Wednesday

3rd - 9:40 a.m. Monday

4th - 10:40 Wednesday

5th - 11:00 Wednesday

6th - 10:40 Monday

From the Librarian........

Barnes & Noble Kids Free E-Books
Palestine Public Library

Click an image and see where it takes you!



Parents, please remember if books become damaged or fall apart (as books will do) - DO NOT ATTEMPT to repair or tape them yourselves. We have tools to fix them - so please bring them back to the library or contact the librarian. 

Thank you!

Click HERE 
for Accelerated Reader Testing
All students must have their library identification card in order to check out a library book!
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